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Welcome to OZ INVESTOR - A guide to clever investment for all Australians spacer

Business-related Issues

Managing your own business or company can be infinitely rewarding, but it can also provide several financial challenges. In order to best respond to market conditions and in order to best provide conditions that foster growth, knowledge is required.

Here at Oz Investor, we hope to provide a foundation of information that can help you identify and take advantage of investment, education and taxation-related strategies that are available to businesses in the know. In addition, you should seek industry-specific advice from others involved in your industry, or from your accountant/lawyer. This sort of knowledge can help your business to grow and thrive, to the best of its abilities.

Guides to Business from the OzInvestor Team:

Support Structures for Early-Stage Australian Entrepreneurs - written by Joshua Smith
If you are looking to grow a statrup, or you've recently ventured into the realm of small business, it can feel overwhelming coming to grips with financing, marketing and compliance requirements. In this article, we explore key avenues to help you find guidance, funding, and community, enabling you to navigate the early days of your business journey with confidence.

What To Consider Before Starting Your Own Business - written by Joshua Smith
If you're passionate about starting your own business in Australia, there are some important elements to take into consideration before venturing into the dynamic world of small business. Here, we present seven key planning requirements that should be completed before taking the leap.

Successful Development Starts with Vision - written by David Carrithers
While aimed at employees, this article presents a guide to the mindset that can hamper development and innovation within an organisation, while suggesting tactics that can alleviate this paradox.

The Franchise Alternative - written by Elena Fawkner
Launching a news business from scratch is often a leap of faith. One way to increase your chances of success is by buying into an established franchise. This article weighs up the pros and cons involved with doing so, while outlining what you should look for (or expect) from a franchise deal.

Checklist of Questions to Answer Before Buying a Franchise - written by D.M. Brown
Buying into an established business system, complete with a recognizable brand, can provide a relatively affordable and stable entry into management. Judging whether a franchise offer presents value to the buyer, though, can be challenging. This article provides a checklist of questions that should be answered to one's satisfaction before progressing with the deal.

Where Credit is Due: Easy financing for your home business? - written by Donna Schwartz Mills
Despite their high interest rates, credit cards can provide a convenient source of capital to startup firms and home businesses.

15 Rules For Success in Small Business - written by Elena Fawkner
Inspired by a list of Colin Powell's 15 Rules for Success, Elena Fawkner presently offers an analysis as to how each of this power-points can be translated into real-world business principles.

Time Management: Throw out your schedule! - written by Chris Wilkinson
Small and home-based businesses need to be run efficiently, and at a rate that can be sustained. In order to maintain growth, while not neglecting the more mundane tasks, a manager must place due emphasis on basic principles of time management.

Getting Paid: Minimising Bad Debts in Your Small Business - written by Elena Fawkner
The success of a small business in its early stages depends heavily upon its cashflow. You could view debt collection as a painful process, or as a valuable management skill that, when performed well, can be the telling factor in whether your business survives through the tough times. Here, Elena presents some basic tips for effective invoicing and debt collection.

Relationship Marketing: A lesson in mentoring - written by Harvey Bucklin
No business can expect to survive without treating its customers well. Here, Harvey Bucklin describes how best to develop positive relationships with one's clients, and how this personal relationship can be leveraged to produce more sales.

Useful Resources for Business Owners

  • Business Entry Point - The Australian federal government's key information guide for small business owners is absolutely packed with guidance, tools, articles and templates designed to assist people at any stage of their business operation.
  • Mind Tools - A valuable collection of tools, systems and advice to assist you in building new business processes and developing your leadership skills.
  • The Small Business Site - News, calculators and valuable articles aimed at small business managers, care of NineMSN.
  • Australian Financial Review - A solid source of news and information for business owners and managers who are looking to remain abreast of general shifts in the economy, or opportunities that might be available.



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